Zoho vs. Salesforce CRM Comparison

  If you've been on the market for a new CRM service, you will have undoubtedly come across  both Salesforce and Zoho. At first they are indeed hard to compare, as the pricing is vastly different, and neither offer much in the way of a comparison chart. However, if you take the time to research into both CRM solutions, the similarities and differences will become more apparent. In terms of basic components of CRM are concerned, both offer what you will need. Accounts, contacts, campaigns, MS Outlook and Office integration, collaboration tools, etc. are found in both services. This article is not to determine which of these is “better”, as both are frankly brilliant; the main aspect to consider is which of these is best for you and your business. Firstly, consider Zoho. Its most obvious benefit is that it is much cheaper; from $12 to $25 per month, it comes in at $100 less than Salesforce’s most popular software. They even offer a free version for users who only need a very basic CRM. Of course, that isn’t its only benefit. Zoho is designed to let even the smallest business get jump-started right away. It also offers integration with their complete suite of Zoho Apps, providing access to chat, docs, invoicing, projects, meetings, and much more. Basically put, Zoho is best used by small to medium businesses who don’t need as much brute force but still desire a full-featured CRM solution. In comparison, Salesforce often gets accused of being more expensive than Zoho. However, Salesforce accounts start at just $5 per user per month for their more basic CRM solution. The question everybody asks is what they will receive for their money. Salesforce offers the ability to customize your experience via custom apps and websites, a developer sandbox, and integration via a web services API. Essentially, this means that you can make Salesforce do exactly what you need it to do for your specific setup. Put basically, Salesforce is best put to use for medium to large businesses who require a custom CRM setup. We hope that this helps your search for your ideal CRM solution, as it is very hard to go wrong with choices as brilliant as these.
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