Salesforce Reveal Two New Tools

Salesforce has revealed two new services for customers: Salesforce Identity and the Touch Platform. Salesforce Identity will provide what salesforce are calling a"Facebook-like identity for the enterprise," whilst the new Touch Platform will permit Salesforce users to create applications for a variety of devices. Salesforce Identity is made in response to the surge in the number of apps created, and the sheer number of devices that apps are compatible with, as it has made security matters much more difficult. As well as this, Salesforce Identity provides a social identity solution that Salesforce are comparing to Facebook's single sign-on to sites that support its framework. With Identity, Users can use one single sign in that will allow them to sign in across all apps, so multiple apps can be utilized without multiple user names, passwords and log-ons. The Touch platform also addresses other issues, such as enabling the development of customised apps that will run on various devices. Salesforce are saying that the tools in the Touch platform will be a huge help for any developer, with incredibly beneficial components such as secured offline storage facilities and OAuth 2.0 authentication. The Touch Platform also allows you to create apps considering the various capabilities of the devices they are intended for, such as the ability to integrate smartphone cameras. This is part of an expansion within Salesforce, which will be further revealed in their annual San Francisco Conference.
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