Salesforce Essential to Obama, the enterprise cloud computing company, has recently announced that the President of the United States Barack Obama approached Salesforce for many functions central to its 2012 operations, one in particular was being as efficient as possible during the recent election campaign. With the Salesforce Service Cloud, Salesforce Chatter and Salesforce Platform, President Barack Obama’s campaign seems to be an ideal use of’s various programmes. With Salesforce, the Obama administration was able to effecgtively manage correspondence from constituencies, which in turn powered the contact center, allowed them to stay updated with the state budget and manage events and functions. President Obama recruited hundreds of campaign workers and volunteers during the campaign, who all were able to take advantage of the flexibility of’s cloud computing platform. This allowed President Obama’s team to respond to over 5.7 million voter inquiries and research 1.5 million voter contact records over a span of 13 months, which included an Election Day spike of 80,000 inquiries in a single day. The reason Salesforce was so instrumental to Obama’s administration in 2012 was due to the fact that the Obama team needed to rapidly deploy a solution that would manage correspondence and updates on a massive scale without purchasing or maintaining expensive software, hardware or a new infrastructure. Therefore, there is no surprise they opted for Salesforce; as the leader of the enterprise cloud industry, it is widely renowned for  its speed and manageability even on a massive scale, which were used to carry out essential operations throughout the 2012 presidential campaign.
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